1. Lifetime membership. Waive membership fees for those members that have been continual members in good standing for 20 years and have made a significant contribution to the club during five of those years. Significant contribution is defined as follows:
a. Minimum of one year as an officer or Board member and
b. Regional/National show chair or
c. Serving on a committee or
d. Editor of a club publication or
e. Any other significant contribution as defined by the Board.
The total number of years of significant contribution to the club should total at least five and the years do not have to be consecutive.
The recording secretary will determine when a member has reached the 20 continuous years of good standing and will send written notice to that member by September 1 of their 20th year. The notice should include the wording of the standing rule. If the member desires lifetime membership, they will need to respond back with a list of the significant contributions they have done. The recording secretary will then present the information for vote at the October Board meeting. If approved, the member will be designated lifetime and will no longer be required to pay club dues. The Treasurer will be informed of the change of status to Lifetime as to not expect payment of dues for the following year and thereon. Only the Board has the final say in whether or not the member has met the significant contribution definition. 2-20-19
2. Processing of paid receipts to Treasurer. Any paid receipts for authorized expenses related to yearly events must be submitted to the Treasurer within 60 days of the end of the scheduled event. For all other authorized expenses, paid receipts are to be submitted to the Treasurer within 60 days of the purchase. Bills submitted later but within 6 months must be submitted with an explanation of the delay. The treasurer will present these bills to the LCA Board of Directors, with the explanation, for approval of payment. Bills submitted after 6 months will not be reimbursed unless there are extraordinary circumstances accepted by the Board of Directors. 2 20-19
3. New Member Communication of Constitution, Bylaws, current membership list and Standing Rules: Upon acceptance in the club, a new member is to receive a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws, current membership list and a copy of the Standing Rules. These copies can be emailed. In the case where a new member does not have an email address, then the copies are to be sent via US mail. 2-20-19
4. Professional email program. When the club is using a professional, internet-based email service that the club pays to use. The main administrator for the program is the Treasurer. With board approval, the Treasurer may give access to the program to others for use in email communications to club members (e.,g. such as but not limited to Headlions, Bylions, Regional/National shows information, etc.). The program can allow entry of non-member email 1 Standing Rules Fully approved 2-20-19 contacts which the club can also utilize to communicate information (e.g such as but not limited to judges). 2-20-19
5. Club communication to Members without email. Important club communications should be mailed to any member who does not have an email address. This should include, but are not limited to, ByLions, Headlions, yearly copies of membership lists, and Constant Contact communications. For Constant Contact communications, the current administrator of that program will US mail a copy of the communications to those members without email. 2-20-19
6. PRA blood draws for research. The LCA will reimburse owners up to $70.00 for the cost of blood draws and shipping of blood of Lowchen for PRA research. The owner has to be a member of the LCA and listed as owner or co-owner on the Lowchen. The blood is to be shipped to a lab designated by the LCA. A copy of the paid receipts for the blood draw and shipping and a copy of the AKC certificate for the Lowchen is to be sent to the Treasurer for verification and reimbursement. 2-20-19
7. ByLions. This is a monthly communication to all LCA members. The communication will include information regarding new member applications received, wording of Article 1, section 3 of the constitution about members submitting comment letters, and once membership is approved, announcement of such. Other content of ByLions is at the discretion of the Corresponding Secretary, who is the editor. 2-20-19
8. Headlions. This is a quarterly communication to all LCA members. The communication will include meeting and Treasurer minutes and monthly AKC award reports. Other content of Headlions is at the discretion of the editor. 2-20-19
9. KC delegate. The AKC Delegate is approved to attend all AKC Delegate meetings and to collect expenses from the Treasurer.
10. Absence from Board meetings. The Board of Directors of the LCA will issue a letter of intent to any LCA Board Member who is absent from three consecutive Board meetings. 2-20-19
Standing Rules Fully approved 2-20-19